Welcome to Wendens Ambo Pre-School
September 2025 spaces available – apply now
OPEN DAY – Wednesday 5th February 2025

2 Year Olds

3 Year Olds

4 Year Olds
Why Wendens Ambo Pre-School?
Wendens Ambo Pre-School is an outstanding pre-school set in a rural location but close to Saffron Walden, Newport and surrounding villages. We provide your child with a safe, caring and stimulating environment for all aspects of their physical and mental growth. We recognise that all children are different and we understand each child is an individual and cater for their particular needs.
Our experienced staff members are kind, caring, gentle, sincere and always prepared to go the extra mile which sets our pre-school apart and makes it a pretty special place. Our staff have oodles of experience between them and they make the Pre-School a wonderful environment for your child to play and learn and grow in confidence.
To register your child’s interest, please fill out our Enquiry Form
We currently have some limited availability and are accepting applications.
Our Classroom
Wendens Ambo Pre-School can be found in the pretty village of Wendens Ambo, a rural location near Audley End train station and close to the ancient church and village green and playground.
We are open from 9am to 3pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 9am to 1pm on Thursdays and Fridays. We’re normally closed during the Essex school holidays, although this may vary occasionally.
We aim to remain a small and friendly group providing opportunities for up to a maximum of 24 children per session aged between 2 and 5 years in a caring, stimulating and happy environment.

Early Years Development
The Early Years Foundation Stage, Setting Standards for Learning Development and Care for children from Birth to Five: Development Matters.
1 Personal, social and emotional
2 Physical development
3 Communication and language
4 Literacy
5 Mathematics
6 Understanding the world
7 Expressive arts and design

Key Person System
The Pre-School has a Key Person system and a back up Key Person. This means that each member of staff has a group of children for whom they are particularly responsible.
Your child’s Key Person will be the person who works with you to make sure that what we provide is right for your child’s particular needs and interest.
When your child first starts at Wendens Ambo Pre-School, your Key Person will help your child to settle in and throughout your child’s time with us will help your child to benefit from the Pre-School activities. You will be notified of who your child’s Key Person is when they start Pre-School.
They will support you and your child throughout your time at Wendens Ambo Pre-School.
We want you to have a good relationship with your child’s Key Person and we encourage you to feel comfortable to speak to your Key Person at any time.

Transition to School (Thursday Session)
We recognise that some of our children would benefit tremendously from working in smaller groups and on a one-to-one basis with a teacher.
In view of this our Thursday sessions are reserved just for those children who will be leaving for ‘big school’ the following September.
These sessions are not dissimilar to our others but with fewer children we can incorporate play and activities that require more individual structuring and concentration.
In the summer term we include a P.E. session, aiming to help with the sometimes daunting experience of P.E. and changing clothes when first starting school!
In the Spring and Summer terms we offer a hot lunch so they can experience getting a school lunch by themselves. We also start to encourage pencil control, Early Phonics and Maths.
The lunch session is a compulsory part of the Thursday session as we take this opportunity to encourage the children to carry a lunch tray as they would at school.

Special Educational Needs
At Wendens Ambo Pre-School it is our policy to meet the needs of each individual child and ensure inclusion.
We take into account any special needs a child may have.
We have regard for the DfES Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Clare Hart.
To find out more, please click on the link below:
Wendens Ambo Pre-School Local Offer
or contact:
Mrs Clare Hart (Setting SENCO)
By phone: 07543 651 343
By email: manager@wendensambopreschool.co.uk
Or look at the website: www.essexlocaloffer.org
Family Resources
- Looking for ideas to support your 2–4-year-old’s communication skills? Check out these expert but fun and friendly guides, designed for parents, carers and the whole family.

Your children’s education and welfare are our main priorities.
Get in Touch!