Ofsted Wendens Ambo Pre-School Inspection Report (December 2023)

Children demonstrate they are keen and eager to learn as they excitedly arrive at pre-school. They are greeted by attentive, nurturing staff. Children are enthusiastic, demonstrate they are settled and happy and become engrossed in their play, leaving their parents with ease.

Children’s individual interests and developing needs fully inform the curriculum. They are aware of the high expectations of the staff, who are good role models and speak with respect and kindness to the children. Children’s speech and language development is good and staff are skilful in their interactions with them. They are aware of the importance of introducing new words to help children’s conversation skills and how to pose questions to encourage them to think. For example, children interested in body parts show sustained concentration and have meaningful conversations as they learn about lungs, the spine and kidneys and where they are positioned in the body.

Children flourish outdoors and know how to keep themselves safe. They tell visitors to the preschool they need to wear wellington boots and a coat to keep warm and dry. They are positively encouraged and supported to take care of their personal needs. Children learn the skills required for independence and for transition to school, and successful future learning.

If you would like to find out about childcare in your area visit http://www.familyandchildcaretrust.org