We take safeguarding to a very high standard.
Our Safeguarding Lead is Mrs Nickie Dellow (Manager)
Safeguarding Deputy is Clare Hart (Deputy)
Safeguarding Officer is Mr Mark Perkins (Committee Chair)
Our wonderful Wendens team are highly trained to level 2 or higher with constant updates throughout the year.
We have consist advice and assistants from the Essex Safeguarding team www.escb.co.uk
If you feel someone needs help. Contacting the Essex Duty LADO The Essex Duty LADO telephone line is open from Monday to Friday (during office hours, excluding public holidays). All calls are managed by an IT system, so when the Duty LADO is engaged in a telephone call you will receive an automated voice message asking you to leave your contact details. Due to the high number of referrals we receive you are strongly advised to leave a message if you do not get an immediate response, as the system places all incoming calls in a queue. It is also important to note that the Essex LADO does not cover areas located under Southend-on-Sea Borough Council or Thurrock Council.
The above duty line is for allegations made against those who work with children only and is not a general line of enquiry for children’s safeguarding.
For child protection enquiries that are not related to an allegation about a professional, please call 0345 603 7627.
For information about Education Safeguards you can go to the Essex Schools Infolink website.
For allegations relating to the abuse of vulnerable adults, please call 0345 603 7630.
Essex Duty LADO number: 03330 139 797.
We have a visitor`s policy, which anyone visiting for period of time will read and sign. ey-safeguarding-information-for-visitors-to-setting-october-2021
We are currently working with parent on E-Safety here is some useful information.
A parent’s guide to e-safety
- Talking to children about internet safety is essential because many of them will be using a wide range of technologies in their home environments, even before they start school. DigiDuck-eBook
For more information on e-safety please visit: http://www.childnet.com/parents-and-carers
Useful websites
- Ofsted – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
- Safeguarding children (GOV.UK)
- Essex Safeguarding Children Board (ESCB)
- NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
Other useful information
Your child’s safety: 10 things you should know – safeguarding information for parents and carers
The NSPCC website provides some information and resources about whistleblowing including an Advice Line and poster