We want your child to feel happy and safe with us. If your child takes some time to settle down you are more than welcome to stay, although we do find that it is sometimes easier (for the child, if not for you) to say goodbye and then leave, as we can easily distract your child with an activity or toy.

  • Try to be prompt when dropping off and collecting your child.  A few minutes can seem like an eternity to the child who is left until last.
  • If your child is going home with someone else, please make sure that both the child and staff are made aware of the arrangements in advance; email the office.
  • Please dress your child for play as splashes of glue and paint are inevitable.
  • Please also make sure that the clothes are quick and easy to escape from as children are so often engrossed in play that they leave going to the lavatory until the last minute and with the child’s name in!
  • Please provide easy shoes for your child to change from into wellies and have a set of wellie at Pre-school all the time.
  • We do have a Wendens Ambo Pre-School polo shirt and sweatshirt available to purchase.
  • Please let us know in advance of any planned holidays.
  • Please text or telephone us on 07543 651 343 after 9am if your child will not be attending through sickness etc. (Please note: if your child has experienced any form of gastric upset, please allow 48 hours before returning to Pre-School). Most illnesses require your child staying off Pre-School for a period of time please talk to a member of staff before returning to Pre-School.
  • So that sessions get underway on time, we do ask that once a child has settled in the morning, parents/carers vacate the Village Hall promptly.

Feedback from our parents

Both my children have attended Wenden`s Pre-school one still currently attends and one is now at school but both have thrived and been very happy here both really coming out of their shells. We feel the Pre-school is very much a home from home a warm welcoming setting.
All Staff are very helpful and go above and beyond to help with anything. Nothing is to much for them. We couldn’t be more thankful to everyone.
Kayleigh, Phoebe age 5, Violet age 2

We started using Wendens Ambo Preschool in September 2020 with our eldest son. All the staff were great with communication in the lead up to him starting. They made settling in run smoothly for my son and he was always very happy to go in at the gate. It was hard not being able to go into the setting with covid but they uploaded plenty of photos on the learning portal for us to see and we had a good handover at the gate. We noticed that attending this preschool our son matured and became ready to start school 2021. Our Daughter started in January 2022 and it’s great to have been able to go into the setting and see all the fun activities they have set up and it’s always changing so they get to find lots of different ways of learning. Our daughter loves going and talks about when she gets to go next time once we are home.

Thanks for all your hard work Wendens Ambo Preschool.

”Both my children have attended Wendens Ambo preschool and have been so excited to attend each day as it provides such a happy environment for the children to learn and grow.

We have been so impressed with the thought, time and energy provided by all the staff and will be forever grateful for their support in our children’s early years development which has had such a positive impact.’


Talk, Listen, Cuddle, Essex campaign for parents 

Essex County Council have a parent campagin to develop parents understanding of their role in their child’s development.

The website has a variety of recommended websites and articles to inspire parents and enhance their understanding of the importance of play and language development.

Every adult who engages with young children can have an impact of their language development and parents are their first educators. Sharing individual articles or links from the website may inspire new strategies and activities.

You can follow updates on the TLC Facebook page.

50 Things To Do Before You’re Five gives you 50 activities that parents and carers can support their children to try out and repeat. Each of the 50 Things have been carefully developed by education experts and early years practitioners following consultation with parents, and we’ve made sure that children with special education needs are included and that each of the 50 Things means something across our culturally diverse communities.

How and when do I potty train my toddler

  • pottyThere’s a lot of variety in the age that parents potty train their children, because there are so many variables. Each child develops at their own rate, and there’s no way of predicting when your little one will be physically and emotionally ready. Click here


Healthy Eating

We have a wonderful website with loads of information on which we use. Ten steps for a healthy toddlers. About Us – Infant and Toddler Forum – Infant & Toddler Forum


A parent’s guide to school readiness


A parent’s guide to early reading

A parent’s guide to early reading. Sharing stories is the key to learning to read, says Cassie Surrey. Click here

Speech and language guides

This is another good website for Speech and sound developement  https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people/speech-sound-phonic-development/z3ybg7h?fbclid=IwAR3N7BKtHc69sER41BFepsRbEMij9-h9eTfC4eTyt7tU_ftvp0wIm_2z0Eo

Essex Wellbeing Service: finding the right support


The Essex Wellbeing Service can help to find the right support to meet the needs of your children, families and staff.

Visit the website or call to speak to one of their Navigators, who will help to explore the range of wellbeing advice and support that is available across Essex, including support in the community for a range of health, wellbeing and day to day needs.

To speak to a navigator, phone 0300 303 9988.

Essex also have a wellbeing for family support too. Home – Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service (essexfamilywellbeing.co.uk)